Pay for hurting people!

When you find yourself in a prolonged spell of hardship or sorrow in life, stop cursing your luck and asking ‘Why me’? Instead, examine your deeds of the past and ask yourself whether you have knowingly and wantonly troubled or hurt someone by your actions or words. And if you have, confess, at least to…

Novel way to reduce burden on children!

This way ‘to reduce the burden on children’ is more novel than the novel Corona virus itself!!!! I hope that it lasts only till a Covid vaccine or cure is found. But…..

Real investigation or election jhumla?

Well, the timing of this investigation is more than a bit suspect, but welcome nonetheless. Let’s see where this goes – just another jumla before the Bihar election or this one turns up something concrete. 6 years and nothing has happened to the Gandhis.

No, no home invasion!

To all my friends, relatives and acquaintances: I want to assure you all that the house I am staying in is completely secure and safe. No burglar has entered or has been able to take over or burglarize this house. The burglars had evil intentions, but the inhabitants of this house gave them a befitting…

Nepotism and Bollywood!   Why all this fake outrage over nepotism in Bollywood? Nepotism, sycophancy, politics, conspiracy – these are the bane of the Indian psyche and society. It is the dominant factor in our personal, familial and professional lives. So, is it so surprising that it thrives in the environment that Bollywood provides, with all its…