Why not? So what?

On a Saturday evening stroll, my wife and I caught sight of a woman walking about 15-20 feet ahead of us. She had one of the most astonishing figures we had ever seen on a woman. She was very tall and beautifully built, and her superbly stitched evening gown shimmered like liquid silver on her…

NRIs supporting Trump

https://www.indiatvnews.com/amp/news/world/donald-trump-coins-india-us-friendship-slogan-in-hindi-ahead-of-november-mid-term-latest-updates-2022-09-16-808739 Frankly, most NRIs in the US dont care about social issues like abortion, guns, voting rights, LGBTQ and same sex marriage, racism, climate change etc. I am not talking about the Indians born and/or brought up there, I am talking about the ones who have gone there as adults and settled for the long…

USA overturns Roe v Wade!

The United States Supreme Court has today overturned Roe vs Wade, a 1973 case that ensured recognition of womens’ constitutional right to abortion! This effectively strikes down federal abortion rights that were thought to be settled law of the land. Though this was expected thanks to documents leaked a few weeks back, this is still…