Let’s not grab too much credit for lower Covid numbers – my take on Chetan Bhagat’s blog in the Times of India!

I don’t blame any govt for mishandling Covid. This pandemic was sudden and unprecedented. Nobody knew what to do or what was the right approach. It was all trial and error and the jury is still out on what works and what doesn’t. Nobody has established a cause-effect relationship so far beyond a shadow of…

Blaming Nehru!

https://archive.org/details/HindSwaraj-Speech-03-1 I have been listening to this speech and reading the text again and again – and getting goosebumps every time! For me, this must be one of the great speeches of all time! I know a lot of blame for all the ills in this country is always being attached to Nehru, but just…

Rear-view driving!

https://twitter.com/swamy39/status/1333378593812955136?s=21 Stop resurrecting useless things from India’s past while the present and future of this country is precariously hanging in the balance. This is like trying to drive forward while constantly looking into the rearview mirror and blackening out the windshield. It will only end in driving the country into a ditch. The choice is…

Open letter to Mr. Joe Biden

Dear Mr. Biden, My great grandfather’s great grandfather’s father in law’s sister’s uncle landed as a penniless destitute immigrant in the great city of Amador City, California (area .8 square kms, population 190 today) and was given a lettuce-catsup burger by a kindhearted gentleman, which he consumed without the bread (since he was a vegetarian…