I don’t blame any govt for mishandling Covid. This pandemic was sudden and unprecedented. Nobody knew what to do or what was the right approach. It was all trial and error and the jury is still out on what works and what doesn’t. Nobody has established a cause-effect relationship so far beyond a shadow of…
All posts in COVID
WHO says ‘maybe no silver bullet’ for Covid!
The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on humanity and will continue to take many, many more thousands of lives in the coming months and possibly years. We may never have a cure or even an effective vaccine for it as per WHO. But as bad as it has been, there are probably many more and…
The Covidian way of life!
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53643455?SThisFB The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on humanity and will continue to take many, many more thousands of lives in the coming months and possibly years. We may never have a cure or even an effective vaccine for it as per WHO. But as bad as it has been, there are probably many more…