Me and my darn lawn mower

You could say machinery is my Achilles’ Heel. So not surprisingly, by the time my wife and I huffed and puffed our first lawn mower out of its box, it already looked like a monster emerging from its lair. I skimmed through the assembly instructions nonchalantly, not wanting my wife to know that I had…

Dark grey stilettoes

My wife and I were just strolling along window-shopping in the mall when suddenly she asked me, “Wow! Did you notice the stilettoes that girl was wearing! Instinctively, I asked, “Which girl?” It was a genuine question. (Later social media told me that this is the best and safest response to such questions.) But really,…

Honeymoon Dampener!

We made a quick dash to Mahabaleshwar, a hill station near Bombay, for our honeymoon. It was short mainly because I couldn’t get leave but more importantly, that was all we could afford. We had made meticulous expense calculations for travel and stay, even choosing an all-inclusive hotel which would give us three meals on…

Biscuit Lessons!

I was buying some milk and curd kind of stuff from my corner shop when an old beggar lady appeared asking for something to eat.  I live very near a temple, so I am familiar with the beggars in the area as they are with me, especially their children. Many of them take shelter on…

Miracle in Arabia

In the spring of 2000, four couples, including my wife and I, were trying to decide on a holiday destination. After a lot of discussions, we finally narrowed it down to a combo trip – Jordan with Greece or Italy. But one couple had already been to Italy so that almost ruled it out. Two…

Cleaning up after yourself

Many years back, my wife and I attended SRK’s show, Temptations at the Allstate Arena in Chicago. It was one crazy show, with people screaming their lungs out, girls sobbing, crying, shouting “I love you, Sharukh!” over and over again even though there was hardly any chance of being heard above the deafening sound system.…