tradition of education needs to be sustained – Pantagraph, Bloomington, IL –
Like most children in
India, I grew up hearing a single refrain “There is a time for study, a time for
play and a time to earn money.” Even today, in America, for Indians, that
fundamental rule has not changed. School and college are for studying, play is
incidental and the time to earn comes if, and only after, you are done with
There are two distinct
parallel forces at work during your school years - you are preparing for
college, for graduation, for post-graduation and indeed, for your entire future
in medicine, engineering or finance and your parents are working and saving to
be able to put you through all that. Loans, if necessary, will be taken and
repaid by the parents, not by the student. If the children complete their
studies during the term of the loan, then they will pitch in, if they can. They
are not expected to. Of course, there are obligations on the other side of this
arrangement - that of supporting the parents in their old age. While not
wanting to paint an idyllic picture - things are changing fast - I have to say
that even today most Indian families, unless they are really poor, function
that way.
There are reasons for
this, cultural and economical. For Indians, the path to social respect,
financial security and professional success is perceived to lie in formal
education. The scholar, the teacher, the professor are highly respected. The
word ‘guru’ does not mean expert; it means ‘guide’ or ‘learned person’ and has
more spiritual connotations than its current usage would suggest. Education is
considered a virtue in itself and hence, educating one’s children adequately is
a duty automatically accepted at their birth.
The importance given to
education also makes it a barometer of your suitability for employment, which,
in a developing country like India, is the precious first key to survival.
Fortunately, education has been relatively affordable for most people, often
subsidized by the government, albeit decreasingly. Wealth that does not have
education somewhere in its origin may be envied, but it is considered somewhat
incomplete and not entirely satisfactory to either the admirer or the admired.
A major part of India’s
resurgence after centuries of foreign occupation can be attributed to the
emphasis given to education. India’s scientists, economists, engineers and
doctors - not to mention ubiquitous software professionals - occupy challenging
and prestigious positions, while Indians students perform extraordinarily in
schools and colleges the world over. That is quite simply because of the
culture of education that is inculcated and nurtured since birth.
But India today is a
place of upheaval. Increasing prosperity, exposure to other cultures and
values, and the availability of alternate avenues to wealth are galvanizing
Indian society and in a few years, age-old traditions and customs will be
washed away in the aftermath as much as old roads and buildings.
My fear is that the
first victim will be the importance given to education.
On my visit to India
last year, I was shocked and distressed to see college kids at work in
restaurants, malls and stores. It was our future at work, not just our
children, folding clothes, making burgers, delivering pizza. There is nothing
wrong with hard work, but shouldn’t these children have been hard at work at
their books instead, at this time of their lives?
There are other signs
too. Higher education is becoming more expensive. Almost on cue, student loan
schemes, an uncommon feature in the past, have surfaced. Suddenly, the needs of
modern youth have increased exponentially and demand instant gratification.
Myriad distractions, which if unfulfilled by unable or unwilling parents, drive
rebellious children to the workplace. The feel of one’s own money is an
addiction that requires constant fixing. With fifty percent of its population
below 25 years of age, the prospects are terrifying. This has filial
implications too. If every member of the family has to fend for himself, then
why live together at all?
Culture is a cloth woven
with the delicate and often inseparable fibers of economics, religion and
philosophy. Western practices are dictated by the framework of their own
economics and values. Let us also remember that Western countries hove already
achieved great prosperity and grant to their citizens a very high standard of
life, regardless of education. India, by comparison, is still aspiring to those
levels of achievement and wealth. To jettison a culture that has been the
mainstay of our growth would be akin to cutting off oxygen to the heart of the
very engine that drives it.
In our mad rush to ape
the West, we must not end up imbibing values that are not suitable for us while
letting our own erode. In fact, it might be wise for the West, at least in this
one particular case, to ape the East.